The Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA) runs a summer camp each year called CampMODA, and recently held a competition in which designers were tasked with rebranding CampMODA’s visual identity. My strategy here was to study the brand guides that MODA provided in order to more closely tie the CampMODA brand in with the other brands under the MODA umbrella. In doing so, I brought in Futura and MODA’s color palette from their main brand guide, as well as a consolidated secondary palette from the MODA Design Club brand guide.

In my research I noticed that MODA puts an extra emphasis on Modernism, so with that mind, in designing the new CampMODA logo, I ultimately tied the so-called three primal shapes of triangle-circle-square in with images that might evoke thoughts of a traditional summer camp, like a tent, the sun, and an arts-and-crafts-inspired rendition of MODA’s primary logo. The tag I came up with, DESIGN A FUNNER SUMMER!, is meant to cogently reference exactly what CampMODA is: a summer camp with a focus on design.


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